The goal of HyperBench is to provide, gather and analyze Hypergraphs and their properties. The focus of HyperBench is in the analysis of the hypertree width, generalized hypertree width and fractional hypertree width.
We currently have 3071 hypergraphs in our database.
The creation of the HyperBench benchmark and its background have been presented in [1].
The benchmark contains hypergraphs of CQs and CSPs from various sources. In particular,
queries and tools presented in the following articles have been crucial and we acknowledge
the help through personal communication by the authors of these articles:
*) hypergraphs extracted from a big collection of SPARQL queries [2].
*) hypergraphs extracted from a yet bigger collection of SPARQL queries [3].
*) queries used for benchmarking the chase [4].
*) the random query generator used for the evaluation of the MiniCon algorithm [5].
The HyperBench benchmark may be used freely. However, if results obtained with this
benchmark are published, we request authors to cite the papers [1] - [5].
[1] Wolfgang Fischl, Georg Gottlob, Davide Mario Longo, Reinhard Pichler:
HyperBench: A Benchmark and Tool for Hypergraphs and Empirical Findings. PODS 2019: 464-480
[2] Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens, Thomas Timm:
An Analytical Study of Large SPARQL Query Logs. PVLDB 11(2): 149-161 (2017)
[3] Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens, Thomas Timm:
Navigating the Maze of Wikidata Query Logs. WWW 2019: 127-138.
[4] Rachel Pottinger, Alon Y. Halevy:
MiniCon: A scalable algorithm for answering queries using views. VLDB J. 10(2-3): 182-198 (2001)
[5] Michael Benedikt, George Konstantinidis, Giansalvatore Mecca, Boris Motik, Paolo Papotti, Donatello Santoro, Efthymia Tsamoura:
Benchmarking the Chase. PODS 2017: 37-52